Second Quarter 2008

1 September, 2008

At the Quarterly Venturi Awards Breakfast on August 1, the Venturi Brighter Employee Fund awarded their fourth and fifth large grants. The recipients were Jehovah Jirah, Inc. a.k.a. 305 8th St. and The Riley Behavioral and Educational Center a.k.a. The Riley Center. Both organizations provide great services to the local areas where Venturi employees live by providing a home for adults with mental disabilities (305 8th St.) and diagnosis and treatment for children with autism (The Riley Center).

The first check was presented to Andrea Williams, Executive Director and Leka Medenbach, Board President for 305 8th Street. The money will provide the residents of 305 8th St. a vacation while their home is renovated during the “From the Ground Up” campaign that will take place from August 16 to August 24, 2008. Venturi employees hope to do their part during the renovations by bringing their hammers and sweat.

Above: Chris Simpson presents Andrea Williams and Leka Medenbach, both of 305 8th St, with a gift from the Employees of Venturi.

The second check was presented to Melody Crane, Executive Director for The Riley Center. The gift will allow The Riley Center to purchase some much needed equipment that will allow them to better diagnose and treat children with autism.

Above: Doug Sibley and Jack Thomas present Melody Crane, Executive Director for the Riley Center, with a gift from the Employees of Venturi.

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