At the 2011 second Quarterly Breakfast, the Venturi Brighter Day Employee fund awarded three grants. The recipients for this quarter were: The Melissa George Neonatal Memorial Fund, The Baby Dinosaur Project, and the New Hope Children’s Clinic. The Venturi Brighter Day Employee Fund also gave a disaster relief grant to The American Red Cross following the April 27th tornado outbreak.
Our first recipient for this quarter, The New Hope Children’s Clinic is an organization that provides affordable health care to the underserved student population of Southeastern Madison County. They will be using their $5,000.00 check to purchase medical supplies and to upgrade to a larger facility.

Kelly McElroy presents The New Hope Children’s Clinic with a check from the Venturi Employees.
The second recipient for this quarter, the Baby Dinosaur Project is an organization that provides outreach and support to families that experience the loss of an infant. They will be using their $5,000.00 check to purchase furniture for the new “Baby Dinosaur Project” room located on the labor and delivery floor of Huntsville Hospital.

Ed Padget gives fellow Venturi employee Kevin Whitaker and his wife Kassie a check from the Venturi employees to benefit their Baby Dinosaur Project.
Our third recipient for this quarter, The Melissa George Neonatal Memorial Fund provides lifesaving and life sustaining equipment for the Huntsville Hospital Regional Neonatal Intensive Care unit (RNICU). They will be using their $5,000.00 check to purchase 5 milk warmers for the RNICU.

Marianna Oakley presents Amy George of the Melissa George Neonatal Memorial Fund with a check from the Venturi Employees.

Ed Padget gives the American Red Cross a disaster relief grant from the Venturi Employees.

Venturi employees, Nick Radovich and Ed Padget assist in the April 27th tornado clean up in Limestone County.