During a Venturi, Inc. Quarterly Breakfast on Apr 17, 2009, the Venturi Brighter Day Employee Fund awarded three large grants marking the Venturi Brighter Day Employee Fund’s two year anniversary.
The first to receive a gift was Crisis Services of North Alabama. Responding to families and individuals in crisis, Crisis Services has multiple programs that provide assistance to those in need as a result of adult and child domestic violence, rape, suicide, and homelessness. With the $5000.00 gift that was given by the employees of Venturi, Crisis Services plans on using it to improve the fence that provides both physical security and peace of mind for their victims of domestic violence shelter. Accepting the gift was Janet S. Gabel, Executive Director for Crisis Services.

Above: Chris Simpson presents Crisis Services of North Alabama Executive Director, Janet S. Gabel, with a check from the Employees of Venturi.
The Greengate School was the second organization to receive a large grant and the first repeat recipient for a Brighter Day grant. The Greengate School’s mission is to educate and support children with specific learning differences in reading, spelling, or writing so that they may realize their full potential. Eula Battle, a volunteer at the Greengate School attended the morning event and received the gift of $5000.00. The gift will be used to purchase laptops that will give them a portable computer lab that can be used in the instruction of students and educators looking to improve their capability to teach children with learning differences.

Above: Chris Simpson presents Eula Battle, a Greengate School volunteer, with a check from the Employees of Venturi.
The final organization to receive a Venturi Brighter Day Employee Fund gift was First Stop, Inc. This organization assists street homeless in becoming self-sufficient, productive members of society who no longer have a home. They provide food, case management, showers, laundry machines, and a day shelter where homeless can get a semblance of normalcy. They will use our gift to offset their costs and to possibly hire more caseworkers so that they can meet the growing homeless population.

Above: Accepting the $5000.00 gift was their Executive Director, Larry Sisterman in middle and a friend of First Stop, Inc., Jack Stokes on left.