During this Venturi, Inc. Quarterly Breakfast, the Venturi Brighter Day Employee fund awarded three large grants. The recipients for this quarter were Miracle League, AMBUCS and The Huntsville Hospital Foundation.
Our first recipient for this quarter, Miracle League, is an organization that provides an opportunity for special needs individuals of all ages to be able to enjoy playing baseball. Constructed of a special rubber compound with all markings built into the surface, the field is flat and free of obstructions for all players. Miracle League will use their $3,500.00 grant towards much needed field repairs due to a ruptured water main.

Above: Nick Radovich presents Miracle League with a check from Venturi Employees.
Second, is AMBUCS of Huntsville. AMBUCS is an organization that provides mobility devices for individuals who would otherwise be confined to a wheel chair. They will be using their $5,000.00 grant to supply AMTRYKs for deserving candidates.
The final recipient for this quarter is the Huntsville Hospital Foundation. The foundation helps families deal with the traumas of having pre-mature born babies. They will be using their $5,000.00 grant check to purchase developmental positioning packs for infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Above: Courtney Farley, Marianna Oakley and Derek Johns present Huntsville Hospital Foundation with a check from the Venturi Employees.