During this Venturi, Inc. Quarterly Breakfast, the Venturi Brighter Day Employee fund awarded three large grants. The recipients for this quarter were 305 8th Street, Girls Inc. and United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville.
Our first recipient for this quarter, 305 8th Street, is an organization that provides a home for special needs adults that do not qualify for state funded programs. They have recently renovated a garage for multi-purpose use for some of their activities. They will use their $4500.00 grant towards installing HVAC in this area and purchasing new chairs.

Above: Ralph DeSanctis presents 305 8th Street with a check from Venturi Employees.
Second is Girls Inc. of Huntsville. Girls Inc. is an organization that works with growing young ladies to help show them how to make informed choices in their lives and to develop a sense of self-worth by setting goals and learning new skills. They will be using their $3450.00 grant to supply two new laptops and a smartboard for use in the classroom.

Above: Ralph DeSanctis presents Girls Inc. of Huntsville with a check from the Venturi Employees.
The final recipient for this quarter is the UCP chapter of Huntsville. UCP helps families with children that have one of the many different forms of Cerebral Palsey. They will be using their $3450.00 grant check to begin Phase II of their recently constructed playground facility.